Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

Things happen when a community comes together. We see this time and time again in our neighborhoods, cities, and country. And this very same principle applies to telling others about Jesus. We are stronger together. In Namibia, Africa, this is happening all across the country. But I’d love to share with you an example of the local churches. They came together for an evangelism training event for children’s workers, where they taught Hope For Kids, a program that disciples children to share their faith. And then, they took it back to their churches and started implementing it. And children in the community’s lives started to change. And through that, the community started to change. This was all because Christians like you and me decided to come together and to make an impact. And these believers were part of over 2 million children coming to know Jesus in the past year all over the world. And we praise God for that! For more on how you can learn to share your faith, visit

This post originally appeared at

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