Put up your Constitution tree and start playing those Constitution carols! This Sunday is Constitution Day! This is a time to commemorate the important anniversary of September 17, 1787, when thirty-nine men signed the greatest governing document since the Bible. Every citizen should be familiar with the basic principles set forth in our Constitution, but few of us bother once we graduate high school. To give you a little refresher course before the Constitution Day weekend, here are some of the major section highlights of our pinnacle founding document.
The preamble to the Constitution starts with those iconic words “We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union.” The fact that the government is formed by, of, and for We the People is an important distinguishing feature that should not be overlooked.
Article One of the Constitution sets up our bicameral legislature, with a House of Representatives elected by the people every two years, and Senators elected every six. Originally, Senators were sent by the states, but Amendment 17 foolishly silenced the states’ voice. Being the original People’s voice, all spending bills must originate in the House.
Article Two sets up the executive branch, with carefully designed limits on the President’s power. Article Two not only deals with the president’s powers and responsibilities, but also establishes the unique Electoral College system by which presidents are elected.
Article Three establishes the judicial branch of the United States. Notably, no limit is placed on the number of judges on the Supreme Court, which some leftists would like to exploit by packing the court with extra liberal justices. Article Four establishes the principle of federalism that governs the relationship between the federal and state governments. Article Five deals with the processes for amending the Constitution. Article Six deals with treaties and abolishes religious tests for office. Article Seven established the process for ratifying the Constitution.
There is so much more to discover in our U.S. Constitution. This Constitution Day, make the decision to learn more about the secret sauce that makes America great.
This post originally appeared at https://www.phyllisschlafly.com/constitution/a-constitution-day-refresher-course/