While many today are familiar with the concept of slavery reparations, being seriously considered by the liberal California politicians, climate reparations have been demanded by some countries for several years now. Natural disasters have occurred worldwide since the beginning of time, but are blamed now on energy use by industrialized nations such as ours.
The vehicle for climate reparations is a global “loss and damage fund,” about which Biden climate czar John Kerry needs to be pinned down. Already some NATO countries in Europe have committed to send taxpayer dollars to this fund, which has existed since last year under the UN Environment Programme office.
In an interview last January with Britain’s left-wing newspaper The Guardian, Kerry indicated the U.S. would contribute to the loss and damage fund for the benefit of foreign countries claiming to be damaged by climate change. He considers it a voluntary contribution, but it would burden American taxpayers with a legal obligation.
You could almost hear the violins playing in the background as Kerry dramatically asked the British press, “How can you look somebody in the eye, with a straight face, and not accept the notion that there are damages, there are losses? We see them all around the world.”
Kerry made similar comments to the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Oversight and Accountability. Incredulous, Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) asked Kerry “why do the good folks in east Tennessee – they work very hard for their dollars – why do they have to pay for a flood in Africa or South Asia?”
Kerry responded, “We’re not specifically paying for a flood in Africa although sometimes money may go to something like that but the United States is proudly the largest humanitarian donor in the world … we try to help the world.” That opens the door to the Biden Administration sending hard-earned American dollars to the globalist “loss and damage fund,” which is climate reparations by another name. No matter what you call it, the U.S. taxpayers should not be on the hook to pay other nations in the name of climate change.
This post originally appeared at https://www.phyllisschlafly.com/national-sovereignty/globalism/climate-reparations-are-coming/