Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

In a rural village in Peru, a church decided to start to prioritize discipling the children in their church. They decided to teach them in all the ways to grow—from Bible reading to knowing the key points of the Gospel and how to share their faith. And these third through fifth graders boldly went back to their village and started sharing with the adults in their community—from shop keepers to neighbors of theirs. And guess what? Adults started making professions of faith in Jesus! These children have had a tremendous impact in their village. And their mentors said this about them: “We thank God for this generation that stands in the gap and takes on the challenge to go and share with those who still do not know Jesus.” And guess what? God calls us to be disciple makers too. What children has God placed in your life that you can disciple? For resources to help you get started, visit our website at That’s

This post originally appeared at

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