Genesis 1:27
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”

While the Bible teaches us that sex is a wonderful gift of God, evolutionists believe that sexual reproduction should not have evolved. According to evolutionists, if sexual reproduction were to develop, evolution is supposed to get rid of it.

To make matters worse, immobile plants use sexual reproduction. This creates a problem in transferring the male genes to the female for fertilization. Just to confound things even more, God uses insects and even mammals to transfer the pollen. Since evolutionists believe that plants were around for many millions of years before animals, evolutionists have yet another problem.

The European family of the Arum lilies attracts beetles and flies. When one of the insects lands on a flower, he finds a slick, oil-coated surface and ends up sliding down into a chamber filled with small hairs. Imprisoned, he finds a sweet sap that makes good eating. While he is gorging himself on the sap and getting sticky in the process, the male part of the flower showers him with pollen. The next day, the sticky, pollen-coated insect finds that the doors to his prison are open. So he flies off to another flower to unwittingly deliver his load of pollen!

It sounds like science fiction to say that a flower figured out how to do this. And it certainly doesn’t sound very scientific to say that nobody designed and made this complex arrangement. As we learn more about these arrangements in nature, it becomes even more clear that an all-wise Creator designed these beautiful, symbiotic relationships between different members of the living kingdom.

Dear Father, I thank You for the gift of sex. Help me to always use this gift as You intended so that my thoughts, speech and actions honor You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Ref: Batten, Mary. 1983. “Sex & plants.” Science Digest, Oct. p. 59. Photo: Black Calla by Sean O’Hara  – CC By 2.0

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