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In response to Governor Evers’ “Rise Up or LGBTQ Youth” proclamation last week, Wisconsin Family Action is circulating online a “Rise Up for ALL Wisconsin Youth” proclamation, declaring that encouraging children to make dangerous decisions and to have irreversible surgeries or to take drugs with long-term side effects is decidedly not in their best interest. Rise Up for All Wisconsin Youth calls on citizens, faith leaders, and elected officials to protect all children, not indoctrinate them, and to help them not harm them.

When we say “they” are coming for our children, some say we are over-reacting. I wish that were the case, but it’s not. Those advancing the LGBTQ agenda are aggressive and relentless, and the governor is very willing to help them. What’s happening in California on this issue can be in Wisconsin soon if we do nothing to stop it. It’s time to Rise Up for All Wisconsin youth.