1 Thessalonians 5:8
“But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.”

Many plants, especially orchids, offer different ploys to fool insects into pollinating them. Each of these ploys shows planning, design and the ability to create the design that will work. That there are so many examples makes it impossible for any rational person to believe that mindless, impersonal forces could have made these plants.

Four different groups of orchids produce flowers that look so much like the female of the insect that pollinates them that pollinators will try to mate with them. The Brassia orchid found in southern Florida produces a flower that mimics the prey of its pollinator, the spider wasp. The flower is so designed that as the wasp stings its supposed prey – really the flower – pollen is deposited on his head. The pollen is then carried to a nearby female flower and deposited in just the right place during another attack.

Another orchid imitates an aggressive swarm of bees as it blows in the wind. The strongly territorial bees that live in the area swarm and attack the flowers. In the process, they transfer the pollen from male to female flowers. The female flowers of at least 50 species of Mexican orchids offer fake pollen to lure pollen-eating insects that have been feeding on male flowers. Many of these insect-orchid relationships are so tightly interlocked that neither could survive without the other.

This speaks of a planned creation. It also bears witness that all forms of life came into being in a relatively short time, not over millions of years as evolutionists would have it.

Prayer: Lord, I thank You that You have so carefully and lovingly planned the creation. Help me to remember the love and wisdom of Your plans, especially when my faith is challenged. Amen.

Ref: Batten, Mary. 1983. “Sex & plants.” Science Digest, Oct.  Photo: Orchid (ophrys speculum)by Han Braxmeyier CC0_ Pixabay.com

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