Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

“You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.” Well, I’ve learned that you actually can if you have a salt tablet. And for us as Christians, our testimonies are salt tablets. Your salty testimony can make non-Christians thirsty for the water of life. There are at least a couple of key elements to an effective testimony: What was your life like before you received eternal life; how did you receive it, and now that you have it, what’s your life been like since? Allow me to share a brief version of mine:  Before I had eternal life I was absolutely afraid of dying. Then someone shared with me the greatest news about how I could have eternal life and it changed me. I no longer fear death.  I’ve had that confidence ever since and I know that if I died today, I’d go to be with God in Heaven. You can read the rest of it on You can also build your own testimony there. Visit

This post originally appeared at

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