Graphic: AL Gerrymander.png; Author: GlitterantDagger; CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED

A lot of attention has been paid to election integrity in recent years, and for justifiable reasons. However, stuffing the ballot box is not the only way the left tries to affect the outcome of important races. The Supreme Court sided with federal interference in the Alabama legislature twice in just four months, by ordering or allowing the liberal judicial override of a redistricting plan. This misuse of the Voting Rights Act obstructs a state legislature from exercising its constitutional authority to reformulate its congressional districts based on population changes.

Some fifteen years after Americans elected a black president, and long after black congressmen and senators have been elected by majority-white constituents, the Supreme Court is still falling for the liberal lie that whites won’t elect a black representative. Liberals perpetuate this fiction to increase the number of Democrat-controlled congressional districts, rather than to protect voting rights.

Alabama already has one majority-black congressional district out of seven. But liberals insist that an additional district be drawn based solely on race, even though the Fourteenth Amendment stands against racial discrimination by the government of any state.

Last June the Supreme Court pontificated against universities for basing their admissions decisions in part on race. But that same month, the same Supreme Court held that a state legislature must redraw Alabama’s congressional districts based on the race of its voting age population, in order to create the highest possible number of majority-black districts. Now they are making the same mistake twice.

This practice of redrawing political boundaries in order to get a desired political outcome, rather than conforming to the natural shape and character of the region, is a practice called gerrymandering. Conservatives who are concerned about leftist interference in our elections should pay great attention to the forces who would sooner have a district shaped like a rabbit on a skateboard than to give up a seat in Congress. The Supreme Court is wrong to indulge these blatantly political antics of the establishment left.

This post originally appeared at

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