Why would God present the King of kings and Lord of lords to the world wrapped in poverty?  Mary’s pregnancy and birth were anything but royal.  And why did our Heavenly Father first announce this birth to shepherds, one of the lowliest segments of society?  The savior of all mankind was wrapped in surprising packaging but he fulfilled God’s purpose perfectly.  That happens on the mortal level every day.  Babies are born into the world wrapped in surprising packaging like disabilities.  Even so, God has a perfect plan for each one of them, and abortion’s a tragic end to countless blessings in store for those around these children.  As we remember the humble beginnings of our Savior, think about God’s plan for every one of us, regardless of our physical capabilities. 

The post Surprising Packaging appeared first on Life Issues Institute.

This post originally appeared at https://lifeissues.org/2023/12/surprising-packaging/

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