Advent Season
We’re heading into the season of Advent on the church calendar. It’s a time of joyful anticipation as we await the celebration of our Savior’s birth. Observing Advent provides a…
We’re heading into the season of Advent on the church calendar. It’s a time of joyful anticipation as we await the celebration of our Savior’s birth. Observing Advent provides a…
Psalm 104:24a“O LORD, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all…”The exotic Venus flytrap is an insect-catching plant and a wonder of God’s engineering. For example,…
Job 22:12“¿No está Dios en lo alto de los cielos? ¡Mira lo encumbrado de las estrellas, cuán elevadas están!”Cuando miramos el tamaño del universo, a veces se hace más fácil…
These absurd directives violate the First Amendment and Title VII by showing hostility on the basis of religion and race. Constitutional expert, lawyer, author, pastor, and founder of Liberty Counsel…
LISTEN (text to speech) Download as PDF ... Irving Berlin was born in Russia, the son of a Jewish rabbi, on May 11, 1888. At 4-years-old, he immigrated with his family…
Penna Dexter Bioethicist and political thinker Leon Kass has often been called upon to weigh in on consequential moral debates. He lives both in the US and in Jerusalem where…
Earlier this week State Senator Cory Tomcyzk and State Representative Ty Bodden introduced a bill that would require public schools and charter schools to display the national motto, “In God…
Kerby Anderson As I mentioned yesterday, Americans are concerned about the direction of the country. They also believe the economy has become much worse in the last few years. The…
This is Ken Ham, head of the ministry with the faith-building streaming platform, Answers TV. All this week we’ve been looking at amazing examples of God’s design. Examples are everywhere,…
Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.Do you remember the story Jesus told of the Good Samaritan? He told this parable…