Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

Happy New Year! Do you realize that God has already made amazing plans for you in 2024? Now, you may be running around, living life day to day — juggling a thousand tasks. Your daily life may seem busy and unorganized; you may not seem like you have a plan for tomorrow, much less the new year; but in reality, God has a very good plan for your life. In fact, the Lord says He has plans for you to prosper and to give you hope and a future! And that hope that He gives can propel us into prioritizing meaningful things, like putting our trust in Him for the harder times and sharing our faith with others. God has a purpose for each and every person; and we, as believers, should share that truth with everyone we that meet. So, today, believe that the Lord has great purpose for your life and resolve to tell others about Jesus. For help in sharing your faith, visit our website at

This post originally appeared at

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