Beginning in the late 700s, Vikings from Scandinavia, called Danes and Swedes, began raiding the coasts and up the rivers of England and Europe.
Since they were from “the north,” they were referred to as Norse men, or Norman.
Norman Vikings raided up the Seine River into central France, eventually claiming an area which took their name, Normandy.
The Norse even raided as far south as the Muslim- controlled Mediterranean Sea.
Some Vikings raided across the Baltic sea, looting the Finns, Wends, and Slavs, on the northern coast of Europe, eventually founding trading settlements.
The Russian Primary Chronicle made the first written mention of a Scandinavian tribe called “Varangians” or “Rus” around 859 AD, which began taxing Slavs and Finns.
“Rus” is possibly derived from the Finnish word for Swedes, “Ruotsi,” which may have come from the Swedish word “rother” for rower.
An ancient trading city on Dneiper River was Keiv, or Kyiv, possibly dating back to the time of the Scythians, 7th century BC.
By the 6th century AD, the inhabitants were called Polans, an eastern Slavic people who occupied both sides of the Dneiper River from Novgorod in the north, south to near the Black Sea.
The name “Polans” is derived from an Old Eastern Slavic word for “field,” as the area was fertile agricultural farmland. The King of the Polans was Kyi, who gave the city its name Kyiv.
North of Kyiv 550 miles was a trading port on the Baltic Sea named Novgorod, which means “new town,” founded in 859 AD.
It was the first and only Republic in that part of the world until modern times.
Novgorod grew to be the region’s second biggest city after Kiev, holding sway over an area as large as Sweden.
Novgorod is considered the first city of the Rus people, and was their capital until Oleg of Novgorod took control of lands of Polans moved his capital to Kiev in 882.
The Kyivan Rus’ referred to a loose confederation of Slavic, Baltic and Finnic peoples from the 9th through the mid-13th century, under the Rurik Dynasty.
It controlled the land stretching from the White Sea in the north to the Black Sea in the south.
Oleg of Novgorod’s son was Igor, who plundered Arab Muslims on the Caspian Sea, besieged Constantinople twice, and forced the Byzantine Emperor, Constantine VII, to submit to a treaty in 945.
Igor was killed collecting taxes in 945, leaving his widow, Olga, to rule Kiev till her son, Sviatoslav, was old enough to take power in 964.
Olga later converted to Christianity and is considered an Eastern Orthodox Saint, though her son, Sviatoslav, did not convert.
Sviatoslav was fierce warrior, expanding the Kievan Rus Empire into the largest state in Europe at the time, encompassing the Volga River valley, the Pontic steppe, and the Balkans.
Sviatoslav invaded the First Bulgarian Empire, destroyed the powerful Jewish Kingdom of Khazars, and threaten the Byzantine Empire.
The Byzantine Emperor John I Tzimiskes was occupied fighting the Islamic armies of Sayf al-Dawla of the Hamdanid Emirate of Aleppo, keeping them out of Europe.
John I Tzimiskes sent a bribe to Sviatoslav’s former ally, Khan Kury of the Pechenegs, a semi-nomadic Turkic tribe, to ambush and kill Sviatoslav as he crossed the narrow rapids of the Dnieper River.
Sviatoslav’s oldest son, Yaropolk I, took power of the Keivian Rus Empire, killing his brother, Oleg.
This caused the youngest brother, Vladimir, to flee to Scandinavia in 976.
With the help of his Swedish relative, Ladejarl Håkon Sigurdsson, ruler of Norway, Vladimir assembled a Varangian army of Norsemen and retook Novgorod. He got Yaropolk’s chief advisor to betray him, resulting in Yaropolk being ambushed and killed in 978.
Vladimir took control of areas from the Baltic Sea down to Bulgaria, including modern-day Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia.
In 986 AD, Vladimir decided to throw his pagan gods in the Dnieper River and embrace a monotheistic faith.
He was soon visited by some Bulgar Muslims from Khwarezm, who invited him to adopt Islam.
The Primary Chronicle, the official record of the Rus from 850 AD to 1110 AD, compiled in Kiev in 1113, gives the account:
“They replied that they believed in Allah, and that Mohammed instructed them to practice circumcision, to eat no pork, to drink no wine, and after death, promised them complete fulfillment of their carnal desires.
‘Mohammed,’ they asserted, ‘will give each man 70 fair women. He may choose one fair one, and upon that woman will Mohammed confer the charms of them all, and she shall be his wife.
‘Mohammed promises that one may then satisfy every desire. But whoever is poor in this world will be no different in the next.’ They also spoke other false things (which out of modesty may not be written down) …”
The Primary Chronicle continued:
“Vladimir listened to them, for he was fond of women and indulgence, regarding which he heard with pleasure.
But circumcision and abstinence from pork and wine were disagreeable to him. ‘Drinking,’ said he, ‘is the joy of the Russes. We cannot exist without that pleasure.'”
Next, Vladimir was visited by Germans from the Latin Roman Catholic Church, and then visited by Jewish Khazars.
Finally, he was visited by Greeks from the Eastern Orthodox Church, whose beautiful Hagia Sophia Cathedral in Constantinople was the largest and most ornate church in the world for over a thousand years.
Vladimir sent envoys to visit it, and upon their return, they stated:
“We knew not whether we were in Heaven or on Earth … We only know that God dwells there among the people, and their service is fairer than the ceremonies of other nations.”
After hearing an explanation of the Gospel, and learning that the New Testament had been written in the Greek language, and that many cities mentioned in the New Testament were located in the Byzantine Empire, Vladimir was baptized into Eastern Orthodox Christianity.
He also adopted the Eastern Orthodox Saint Nicholas as the Patron Saint of Russia.
There was, perhaps, not a single city in Russia without a church named after Saint Nicholas.
He sent his younger son, Yaroslav the Wise, to rule the area of Novgorod.
Relations between Vladimir and his son, Yaroslav began to be strained.
When Vladimir died in 1015, his older son, Svyatopolk the Accursed, had three other brothers killed and seized power in Kiev.
The citizens of Novgorod supported Yaroslav against Svyatopolk.
Yaroslav finally won in 1019, and proceeded to reward the loyal citizens of Novgorod who supported him with privileges and freedoms.
This effectively laid the foundation for the independent Novgorod Republic.
Novgorod was situated on one of the main travel routes from Northern Europe to Rome and Constantinople.
With its economy based on Baltic sea trade, Novgorod joined in the 1100s the Hanseatic League of rich Baltic ports in Russia, Sweden, Denmark, and Northern Germany, which traded as far as Holland and England.
Novgorod grew in wealth, constructed elaborate stone walls and erected the beautiful Church of Saint Sofia, the main cathedral of the Russian North.
By 1136, merchants had accumulated more power than the nobles, resulting in a government by the people.
The neighboring city of Pskov was founded in 903 and adhered politically to the Novgorod Republic.
Novgorod and Pskov were the only major cities in Russia to escape destruction when the Mongols invaded in 1222, led by Batu Khan, the grandson of Genghis Khan.
In 1240, Novgorod invited Prince Alexander to protect it from the Swedish army.
Alexander defeated the Swedes near the Neva River, resulting in his title — Alexander Nevsky.
The main avenue in St. Petersburg is named for him: Nevski Prospekt.
He recaptured Pskov in a legendary campaign which included the Battle of the Ice on the frozen Lake Peipus, memorialized in Sergei Eisenstein’s 1938 movie, Alexander Nevsky.
When the Mongols became the most powerful foe, Alexander Nevsky met in 1252 with the ruler of the Mongol “Golden Horde,” Sartaq Khan, son of Batu Khan and great-grandson of Genghis Khan.
Sartaq Khan had converted to Christianity.
Other Khan leaders converted or at least were favorable to Christianity, such as Hulagu Khan, another grandson of Genghis Khan.
His brother was Kublai Khan, and their mother was the famous Christian princess — Sorghaghtani Beki.
Hulagu Khan destroyed the Islamic capital of Baghdad (1258), killing over a hundred thousand.
He imprisoned the Caliph, starving him in a room with all his treasures, then rolled him in a carpet and had horses trample him to death.
Hulagu weakened Muslim control of Damascus (1260).
In 1262, Hulagu Khan sent a letter to French King Louis IX — St. Louis — proposing they fight a joint crusade together to recapture Jerusalem and drive the Muslims out of Egypt:
“From the head of the Mongol army, anxious to devastate the perfidious nation of the Saracens (Muslims), with the good-will support of the Christian faith … so that you, who are the rulers of the coasts on the other side of the sea, endeavor to deny a refuge for the Infidels, your enemies and ours, by having your subjects diligently patrol the seas.”
Hulagu’s brother, Kublai Khan became the Emperor of the Mongolian Empire stretching from China, Korea, North India, Persia, Hungary, to Russia.
Kublai Khan had requested the Venetian traveler Marco Polo bring back to China a hundred teachers of the Holy Christian Faith and a flask of oil from Christ’s empty tomb in Jerusalem.
Columbus referred to Marco Polo’s account in his letter to the King and Queen of Spain in 1492:
“Concerning the lands of India, and a Prince called Gran Khan …
How many times he sent to Rome to seek doctors in our Holy Faith to instruct him and that never had the Holy Father provided them, and thus so many people were lost through lapsing into idolatries…
And Your Highnesses … devoted to the Holy Christian Faith … enemies of the sect of Mahomet … resolved to send me, Christopher Columbus, to the said regions of India, to see the said princes and peoples … and the manner in which may be undertaken their conversion to our Holy Faith.”
In Russia, Sartaq Khan, great-grandson of Genghis Khan, granted Alexander Nevsky vassalage to become Grand Duke of Vladimir.
In 1256, Sartaq Khan died mysteriously in what was suspected to have been poisoning by his uncle Berke Khan, who had converted to Islam.
Berke Khan determined to be a devout Muslim. He took control of the armies of the Mongolian Golden Horde, and spread Islam throughout the Mongolian Empire.
Berke Khan declared war on Hulagu Khan for destroying the Islamic capital of Baghdad.
Muslim “Tartar” armies proceeded to capture most of the land of Rus, with the exception of Novgorod, as it was surrounded by swamps.
The Novgorod Republic continued to flourish, being ruled by its citizens.
Elections were held in the city square. People gathered and shouted for their candidates. The candidate with the loudest supporters became ruler.
Novgorod’s fate began to change when Ivan III of Moscow, known as Ivan the Great, expanded his domain.
In 1478, Ivan the Great took away four-fifths of the land from the Republic of Novgorod and deported its richest and ancient families.
A century later, in 1570, Ivan the IV, know as Ivan the Terrible, became paranoid of conspiracies.
He killed anyone he suspected of being disloyal, even his own son, the heir to the throne.
When the Novgorod Republic was rumored to be seeking an alliance with Poland-Lithuania, Ivan attacked with a vengeance.
Ivan’s first command was to subjugate the church.
He stripped cathedrals and monasteries of their valuables; put priests and deacons in shackles and flogged them til they paid a ransom; and he ordered some 500 clergymen beaten to death.
Ivan laid waste to ninety percent of the farmland surrounding Novgorod.
Ivan’s 6,000 secret police, called Oprichniki, pillaged, burned, arrested and terrorized with cruel violence.
His victims, including men, women and children, were:
- roasted over fires;
- tied to sleds and dragged through town;
- trapped under ice in the Volkhov River and if they managed to surface they were shoved back under.
According to The First Pskov Chronicle, an estimated 60,000 people were senselessly slaughtered by Ivan the Terrible.
Ivan the Terrible’s intentionally used terror to force people into submission. It was a tactic replicated during the French Revolution’s Reign of Terror.
Robespierre, who headed the “Committee of Public Safety,” France’s version of a Department of Homeland Security, gave a speech to the National Assembly, February 5, 1794, titled “The Terror Justified”:
“Lead … the enemies of the people by terror … Terror is nothing else than swift, severe, indomitable justice.”
Robespierre likewise attacked Christianity and turned churches into Temples of Reason.
The secular French French government beheaded 40,000 in Paris then slaughtered 300,000 in the Vendée from 1793-1796.
Novgorod declined economically.
It finally lost its position of being the only Russian port near the Baltic when Peter the Great began building St. Petersburg at the beginning of the 18th century.
Peter the Great developed Russia’s navy and increased the influence of Russia internationally.
As a young man, Peter visited England to study their shipbuilding.
While there, he me William Penn. They conversed in German, a language known to both.
On April 3, 1698, Peter attended a Quaker “Friends” meeting at 144 Deptford High Street in London, where currently stands a Salvation Army shop.
He also visited the Friends’ Meeting Houses on Gracechurch Street.
London’s Muscovy Street and Czar Street are named for Peter’s visit.
William Penn wrote to Peter the Great, July 2, 1698:
“It was a profound respect, and not a vain curiosity, Great Czar, which brought me twice to wait upon thee …
If thou wouldst rule well, thou must rule for God; and to do that, thou must be ruled by Him …”
Penn continued:
“Know, great Czar, and take it with thee as one part of the collection of knowledge thou art making in this unexampled travel that ’tis in this kingdom of England that God has visited and touched the hearts of a people, above forty years ago, by the holy light and at grace of his Son and our Saviour Jesus Christ.
By which their minds have been turned from false worship and evil living to worship God, who is a spirit, in and by his own spirit.”
Peter the Great sent the Danish explorer Vitus Bering to map the north coast of Siberia, where he discovered the Bering Strait in 1728.
In 1710, Turks invaded Russia, and the new Turkish Grand Vizier, Baltacı Mehmet, defeated Peter the Great’s Russian Army in the Russo-Turkish War.
Another notable Russian leaders was Empress Catherine the Great (1762-1796), who greatly helped America during the Revolutionary War by having Russia be one of the first major countries to recognize the United States.
She refused Britain’s request for Russian troops, and had Russia officially stay neutral, which helped thwart Britain’s naval blockade of American ports.
In the early 19th century, Tsar Alexander I (1801-1805) defended Russia against Napoleon’s invasion.
Napoleon had invaded Russia in June of 1812 with some 600,000 men.
After six months of blizzards, lack of food, and the bloody Battles of Borodino and Berezina River, Napoleon retreated back to France with only 40,000.
In 1856, Russia lost the Crimean War to the combine force of the British, French, Italians of Piedmont-Sardinia, and the Ottoman Turks.
Tsar Alexander II did not want the British, who controlled Canada, to seize Alaska, so he sold it to the United States in 1867.
During World War I, over 3 million Russians were killed, mostly by Germany’s Kaiser Wilhelm who used upgraded artillery and machine guns.
This devastating loss of life undermined Tsar Nicholas II and led to his abdication and assassination in 1918.
At the beginning of the 20th century, Vladimir Lenin seized power in Russia through the Bolshevik Revolution. He stated:
“The goal of socialism is communism.”
When socialistic promises of abundance proved false, the people became disillusioned and disruptive.
Lenin’s godless government employed terror tactics to maintain power.
Stalin seized power in Russia in 1922.
To control the masses of people, he notoriously used “fear and food”:
- people were kept in constant fear that government agencies would falsely accuse them and cart them away in the night; and
- people were kept in a continual food shortage, so they could not have the resources to rebel.
Stalin engineered a famine that killed millions in his war against the kulaks (self-sufficient farmers).
Richard Pipes discussed in his book Communism-A History (Random House, 2001), the terror tactics used by Stalin:
“To break the resistance of the peasants in the Ukraine, the North Caucasus, and the Kazakhstan,
Stalin inflicted on these areas in 1932-33 an artificial famine, shipping out all the food from entire districts and deploying the army to prevent the starving peasants from migrating in search of nourishment.
It is estimated that between 6 and 7 million people perished in this man-made catastrophe.”
Franklin Roosevelt described the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, February 10, 1940:
“The Soviet Union … is run by a dictatorship as absolute as any other dictatorship in the world.”
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics saw millions killed in purges.
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels had explained (Marx and Engels Collected Works, Vol. 10, p. 318):
“Conspirators by no means confine themselves to organizing … Their business consists in … spurring it in to artificial crises … They are the alchemists of the revolution.”
Joseph Stalin said:
“Crisis alone permitted the authorities to demand — and obtain — total submission and all the necessary sacrifices from its citizens.”
Richard Pipes wrote in his book, Communism-A History:
“Stalin’s regime needed another crisis …
as Fidel Castro, the leader of Communist Cuba, would explain … ‘The revolution needs the enemy … The revolution needs for its development its antithesis’ … And if enemies were lacking, they had to be fabricated …”
Pipes added:
“In 1934, a prominent Bolshevik, Sergei Kirov, the party boss of Lenningrad, was assassinated under mysterious conditions … evidence points to Stalin …
Kirov was gaining too much popularity in party ranks for Stalin’s comfort …
… His assassination brought Stalin two advantages: it rid him of a potential rival and provided a rationale for instigating a vast campaign against alleged anti-Soviet conspirators …
Purges of the 1930’s were a terror campaign that in indiscriminate ferocity and number of victims had no parallel in world history … Authorities … beat them until they confess to their crimes they have not committed.”
Socialist thinker Friedrich Engels explained (Outlines of a Critique of Political Economy, 1844):
“Every new crisis must be more serious … than the last … ruin more small capitalists and … increase the number of the unemployed … In the end commercial crises will lead to a social revolution.”
In 1941, during World War II, Russia was invaded by Germany’s National Socialist Workers Party (Nazi).
Called the Eastern Front, it became the bloodiest theater in World War II, being considered the largest military confrontation ever and deadliest conflict in human history, with an estimated 30 million deaths.
At the Battle of Sevastopol, Russia, 1941-42, over 200,000 were killed, wounded or captured.
Franklin Roosevelt stated March 1, 1945:
“I saw Sevastopol and Yalta! And I know that there is not room enough on earth for both German militarism and Christian decency.”
Terror tactics were used by the National Socialist Workers Party.
Franklin Roosevelt explained, December 15, 1941:
“Government to him is not the servant … of the people but their absolute master and the dictator of their every act.”
Philosophers have questioned how people could commit these atrocities.
To answer that, one must understand that thoughts precede actions, just as software determines the actions of a computerized machine.
An insight into the thoughts motivating the perpetrators of such cruel acts was provided by National Socialist Workers Party General Hans Frank, who mentally justified carrying out orders to plunder Poland and commit the mass murder of millions of Poles and Jews in death camps.
After the war, Hans Frank was arrested, tried and executed.
During his final confinement, Hans Frank was visited by Fr. O’Conner, who led him to repent and believe in the atonement of Christ for his many sins, and become a Roman Catholic.
At the Nuremberg Trials, August 31, 1945, Hans Frank was remorseful, explaining the slippery slope of socialist thought:
“At the beginning of our way we did not suspect that our turning away from God could have such disastrous deadly consequences and that we would necessarily become more and more deeply involved in guilt.
At that time we could not have known that so much loyalty and willingness to sacrifice on the part of the German people could have been so badly directed by us.
Thus, by turning away from God, we were overthrown and had to perish …”
Hans Frank continued:
“Before all, God pronounced and executed judgment on Hitler and the system which we served with minds far from God.
Therefore, may our people, too, be called back from the road on which Hitler — and we with him — have led them.
I beg of our people NOT to continue in this direction, be it even a single step; because Hitler’s road was the way without God, the way of turning from Christ, and, in the last analysis, the way of political foolishness, the way of disaster, and the way of death …
… His path became more and more that of a frightful adventurer without conscience or honesty, as I know today at the end of this Trial.
We call upon the German people … to return from this road which, according to the law and justice of God, had to lead us and our system into disaster and which will lead everyone into disaster who tries to walk on it … everywhere in the whole world.”
To the annoyance of academia in the classroom, the high ideals of a socialist classless society never materialize in reality.
This is primarily due to an intellectual blind spot — the failure to recognize the selfishness inherent in each human being.
St. Augustine called it “libido dominandi,” the lust to dominate.
Theologians call it original sin or fallen human nature.
Without the Biblical teaching of servant-leadership to counter this selfishness, whenever people form themselves into a group, someone is tempted to become the bully on the playground, the diva of the clique, the tribal chief, the political boss, the gang leader, or the dictator.
- Socialist and Communist leaders rule as dictators: Stalin, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Min, Kim Jong-il, Hitler, Castro, Ceausescu, Tito, etc.;
- Socialist and Communist “Party Members” act effectively as “the new royalty,” living in special neighborhoods with special shops, and getting special treatment before the law. They exist to enforce the dictator’s will, otherwise, they quietly disappeared or commit involuntary suicide;
- The “Citizens” in Socialist and Communist countries are equivalent to serfs or “subjects,” being subject to the will of the dictator and ruling class.
Naive students are taught Karl Marx’s maxim (Critique of the Gotha Program, 1875):
“From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”
But in practice, this is not realized.
One need only ask: “Who gets to live in the nice house and who lives in the dumpy house?”
The answer is: “Someone in the government dictates those things.”
Well, whoever ultimately dictates those things is the dictator!
In February 1945, Russian author Alexander Solzhenitsyn was arrested in the Soviet Union for writing politically incorrect comments against Stalin.
Solzhenitsyn was imprisoned for eight years, as he described in his autobiographical lecture, printed in the Nobel Foundation’s publication, Les Prix Nobel, 1971:
“I was arrested on the grounds of what the censorship had found in my correspondence with a school friend, mainly because of certain disrespectful remarks about Stalin, although we referred to him in disguised terms.
A further basis for the ‘charge’ were drafts of stories and reflections which had been found in my map case.”
Solzhenitsyn secretly wrote drafts, being careful to keep them in hiding till they could be smuggled out the Russia, and printed in France with the title The Gulag Archipelago.
It was translated into 35 languages and sold over 30 million copies.
When Solzhenitsyn was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, the Communist government did not allow him to leave the country to accept it.
After international pressure, the Soviet Union finally expelled him on February 13, 1974.
He explained how Russia became a socialist dictatorship:
“Over a half century ago, while I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of old people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia: ‘Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened …’
… Since then I have spent well-nigh 50 years working on the history of our revolution; in the process I have read hundreds of books, collected hundreds of personal testimonies …
But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous revolution that swallowed up some 60 million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat:
‘Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.'”
This echoed an earlier Russian author, Dostoevsky, wrote in his book, The Brothers Karamazov. In it, there was a character named Ivan Karamazov who contended that if there is no God, “everything is permitted.”
One of America’s founders, Patrick Henry, gave the same warning:
“It is when a people forget God that tyrants forge their chains.”
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, or USSR, was for several decades the largest country in the world.
It collapsed in 1991, out of which 15 independent states were formed:
- Armenia
- Moldova
- Estonia
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Georgia
- Azerbaijan
- Tajikistan
- Kyrgyzstan
- Belarus
- Uzbekistan
- Turkmenistan
- Ukraine
- Kazakhstan
- Russia.
David Lane wrote in his American Renewal Project newsletter (3/15/22):
“On January 10, 1994, President Bill Clinton announced the United States agreement with Ukraine and Russia to dismantle Ukraine’s entire nuclear arsenal, hailing the long-sought accord as “a hopeful and historic breakthrough that enhances the security of all three participants.”
The United States, Russia, and Britain then committed “to respect the independence and sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine” and “to refrain from the threat or use of force” against the country.
… Those assurances played a key role in persuading the Ukrainian government in Kyiv to give up what amounted to the world’s third-largest nuclear arsenal, consisting of some 1,900 strategic nuclear warheads.
Doubling down on that wide-eyed blunder, Ukrainian officials then colluded in 2016 with the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign to smear Donald Trump as a Russian stooge, demonstrating again the massive miscalculation that a Democratic administration would provide better protection against Vladimir Putin’s Russia.” (https://theamericanrenewalproject.org/)
On his first day in office, Biden cancelled the Keystone Pipeline transitioning the United States from being a net oil exporter to being dependent on foreign oil, much of it from Russia, with the U.S. daily sending Russia billions of dollars.
Viewing the U.S. President Biden as weak, on February 24, 2022, an emboldened Vladimir Putin had the Russian military invade Ukraine.
Oil is the most traded commodity in the world, with Russia being the world’s third largest supplier.
Oil has always been traded in U.S. dollars.
There is speculation that international sanctions may result Russia trading with China in ruble/yuan-based transactions, precipitating the U.S. dollar losing its status as the world’s reserve currency.
This would cause a major realignment in world politics, resulting in massive inflation, and setting the stage for the Great Reset, a switch from traditional currency to a government-controlled digital Bitcoin-type system where all financial transactions in the world could be tracked.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn warned in 1975.:
“I … call upon America to be more careful … because they are trying to weaken you … to disarm your strong and magnificent country in the face of this fearful threat — one that has never been seen before in the history of the world.”
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This post originally appeared at https://americanminute.com/blogs/todays-american-minute/russia-from-vikings-to-mongols-to-tsars-to-socialist-dictatorship-to-ukraine-invasion-american-minute-with-bill-federer