Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

The focus of the Great Commission is not making converts, but rather making disciples. Well, what does sharing our faith have to do with discipleship? Actually, there’s a direct connection. Someone has told me that he couldn’t share his faith in Christ if he’s not walking the walk. And in that sense, when you’re actively sharing the Gospel, it becomes a discipling ministry on its own for you to grow more like Jesus. But there’s even more to it than that. Bill comes to mind. He was a churchgoer for 56 years of his life, and yet he didn’t have a personal relationship with Christ. Can you imagine, all of those years attending church and missing the main message? Sadly, he’s not alone. But Bill wanted to talk with people about spiritual things. So he learned how to share his faith, and the very thing he was determined to grow in became the door to his own salvation. To learn more about discipleship, visit our website at That’s

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