Madres plantas amorosas
Génesis 1:11“Después dijo Dios: ‘Produzca la tierra hierba verde, hierba que dé semilla; árbol que dé fruto según su especie, cuya semilla esté en él, sobre la tierra’. Y fue…
Génesis 1:11“Después dijo Dios: ‘Produzca la tierra hierba verde, hierba que dé semilla; árbol que dé fruto según su especie, cuya semilla esté en él, sobre la tierra’. Y fue…
The recent decision from the Ninth Circuit justifies that Sandra’s remaining criminal counts should be dismissed. Constitutional expert, lawyer, author, pastor, and founder of Liberty Counsel Mat Staver highlights in…
Kerby Anderson Fifteen years ago, I wrote a commentary about the realignment of America. Now that we have some new census figures, I thought it might be time to write…
Last week the Kenosha city council on an eleven to six vote passed a resolution approving an off-reservation casino. The casino is a joint effort of the Wisconsin Menomonie tribe…
This is Ken Ham, CEO of Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum, and Ark Encounter. Evolutionary teaching has indoctrinated us to think it takes millions of years to make a…
Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.Paul quotes in second Corinthians 6:2 these words from Isaiah, “In the time of my…
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · January 8 | Wind Turbines Aren't Worth the Money Photo: Wind turbines in fog; creator: Phiteros; CC BY 4.0 DEED, Attribution 4.0 International One of the…
Pro-life pregnancy centers far outnumber abortion facilities. A recent survey of these centers demonstrates they’re a vital part of communities and must be protected from political attacks aimed at putting…
Psalm 8:3-4“When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; what is man, that thou art mindful of him? and…
Génesis 4:20“Ada dio a luz a Jabal, el cual fue padre de los que habitan en tiendas y crían ganados”.El primer Neandertal fue descubierto en 1856. Los evolucionistas rápidamente lo…