While the origins debate is basically a religious debate, many people have been taught that evolution is science and creation is religion. But even according to the evolutionist’s own rules of science, evolution is not good science. Let’s look at the claims of evolution in light of what science knows today.

If language evolved, why are the most ancient languages the most complex? If religion evolved, why do the most ancient forms of religion worship one God, a Creator, while later forms of the same religions have many gods – who are much more like human beings?

I could list many more examples showing that only the Bible’s account of history makes sense in light of what we know today.

Psalm 111:10
“The fear of the LORD [is] the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do [his commandments]: his praise endureth for ever.”

Lord, the very stones cry out that You are indeed Creator and Almighty God. Help me to add my voice to this witness and tell others of Your forgiving love in Jesus Christ. In His Name. Amen.

Notes: J.B.S. Haldane, atheist, evolutionary biologist and Marxist who said that the oceans would have formed a “hot dilute soup” where living matter could arise from non-living matter.

REF.: Brown, Walter T. 1984. The scientific case for creation: 116 categories of evidence. BibleScience Newsletter, JuneAugust.  Photo: Cyprus Coast Cliff – Pixabay.com CCO.jpg

© 2024 Creation Moments. All rights reserved.  Photo: Cyprus Coast Cliff – Pixabay.com CCO

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