¿Podrían la creación y la evolución estar contando la misma historia?
Génesis 1:1“En el principio creó Dios los cielos y la tierra”.La gente que cree que Dios utilizó la evolución para originar todas las cosas afirma que la Biblia y la…
Génesis 1:1“En el principio creó Dios los cielos y la tierra”.La gente que cree que Dios utilizó la evolución para originar todas las cosas afirma que la Biblia y la…
This is a great move for religious freedom in the Volunteer State. Constitutional expert, lawyer, author, pastor, and founder of Liberty Counsel Mat Staver highlights in 60 seconds the important…
Kerby Anderson One of the slogans we often hear from radical environmentalists is that there are too many people on the planet. Once someone makes that statement, it is worth…
The Centers for Disease Control reports that in 2022, the US had a significant uptick in the number of marriages, reaching just over two million. This marked the first instance…
This is Ken Ham, writer and speaker on the Bible’s authority and reliability. All this week we’re looking at Neanderthals through the lens of a biblical worldview. So, when did…
Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.Today, we are going to learn an easy-to-remember Gospel presentation. Our pattern to share the…
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · March 21 | Fake History and J6 Photo: Jan 6 pipe bomb, cropped; author: FBI; public domain Have you ever watched the Capitol security camera footage from January…
In 1805, when Lewis and Clark crossed the Continental Divide, they saw North American Indians preparing the large roots of a plant for cooking. Lewis writes that he asked to…
Juan 7:38“El que cree en mí, como dice la Escritura, de su interior brotarán ríos de agua viva”.Cuando uno escucha el término “constructores de pirámides” uno por lo general piensa…
She was motivated by an article in the New York Herald about Madame Restell. Constitutional expert, lawyer, author, pastor, and founder of Liberty Counsel Mat Staver highlights in 60 seconds…