Did you ever wonder why, while there are lots of round and cylindrical living things, there are almost no square plants or animals? Why isn’t there any animal that has a skeleton made out of metal? And while there are so many ways for living things to move about, why do almost none of them have wheels?

We make lots of square things, use metal frames in the things we build, and use wheels on lots of moving things. But these features don’t offer good solutions to the problems most living things have to deal with in life. Wheels are useless for going through the jungle, climbing trees, flying or burrowing. In engineering language, all living things show a high degree of design sophistication.

For example, the skeletons of all mammals have a ratio of 30% shock-absorbing collagen to 70% calcium phosphate for strength. This ratio provides the very best balance for holding up a mammal’s weight during locomotion. Engineers also know that in order to get the best flow of a liquid – such as blood – a pipe’s cubed radius must equal the sum of the cubed radii of each of its branches. And this is exactly the relationship found in all living and fossilized creatures, from sponges to humans!

The impressive engineering found in all living things – and even in the oldest fossils – offers elegant testimony to the Creator’s wisdom and power! None of us should be shy about recognizing Him when we are with others.

Job 38:4, 36
“Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding. Who hath put wisdom in the inward parts? or who hath given understanding to the heart?”

Prayer: Father, I thank You that You have not left the world without witness to Your great wisdom and power. Make me a better witness to You and what You have done for me through Your Son. In His Name. Amen.

Notes: Wickelgren, Ingrid. 1989. “The mechanics of natural success.” Science News, v. 135, June 17. p. 376. Image: A composite of the skeletons of a Human and a Horse arranged into a lifelike pose, at an exhibit in the Australian Museum, Sydney, Australia.

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