Historical science is one branch of human knowledge that consistently supports the biblical record.

In Matthew 27:45 we read that darkness covered the land from 12:00 noon until 3:00 in the afternoon, while Christ hung dying on the cross for our sins. The biblical language that describes this darkness makes it clear that it was not due to clouds. Nor could this darkness be caused by an eclipse of the sun. Christ’s crucifixion took place at Passover, a time when the moon is full. Besides, a solar eclipse never lasts for three hours.

It is interesting to note that this darkness was also recorded in Egypt. According to one ancient record, as the same darkness descended upon Egypt, it was so fearfully dark that Dinoysius of Egypt exclaimed, “Either the God of Nature is suffering, or the machine of the world is tumbling into ruin.”

Indeed, the God of nature, the Word who created everything that exists, had left His heavenly glory to repair the damage humanity had done to His work. He took our form upon Himself so that He could carry our sins. And as He experienced the full pain of God’s just punishment for our sin in His perfect body and perfect mind, the God of nature was truly suffering and even dying. His burden was our sin, so His death gives us life, and His resurrection makes that life worthwhile because it is, once again, a daily walk with our Creator. Is there darkness and hopelessness in your life? Come to His cross and know that there He has restored you to your Creator.

Matthew 27:45
“Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour.”

Prayer: Lord, I thank You that You left the glories of heaven to carry my sin on the cross, offering Your perfect life for my sinful life so that I may no longer be separated from You. Let me never treat Your love lightly. Amen.

Notes: Corliss, William R. 1983. “Tornados, Dark Days, Anomalous Precipitation, and Related Weather Phenomena.” Glen Arm, MD: The Sourcebook Project. p. 31. Photo: “The Crucifixion” by Simon Vouet (1590-1649).

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