Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

What have you seen God do in your life? Now, the truth is, we all have hundreds of what we like to call “God stories.” These are times you’ve experienced God moving in your life, like a change that He’s brought about, an answered prayer, a restored relationship, or the moment you put your saving faith in Jesus. Now when sharing one of your “God stories” with another person, make the contrast for them. Start with what life was like before the change or before God stepped in. And then, share what God did. End your testimony with something about the confidence that you have concerning Heaven and eternal life. An example would be something like, “The greatest thing of all of this is that I know for sure that if I died today, I’m going to go to Heaven.” This leads very naturally to asking them questions about their own spiritual life and sharing the Gospel with them! Visit for our free online testimony builder. Learn more at

This post originally appeared at

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