Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

As we continue sharing what God is doing around the world; I want to share with you an inspiring story from Uganda. Denis took a team that he was discipling to a football field for what we call “On The Job training.” They saw someone seated dangerously on a cliff at the edge of the field. If the man wasn’t careful, he would fall and get hurt. Denis and his team approached the young man whose name was Jonathan. He’d lost his job two weeks back and was desperate and depressed about his situation. That morning, Jonathan prayed for God to show him the way, even though he had never prayed before and didn’t know God. But he had heard that when you pray, God answers. So Jonathan told Denis, “Share your message with me!” After they told him the Gospel, Jonathan committed his life to Jesus. Who do you know that needs to hear the Gospel? For tips, tools, and resources to help you get started in sharing your faith, visit our website at That’s

This post originally appeared at

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