Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

In the church, we have a very clear and urgent calling: to go and make disciples. In Kazakhstan last year, a young man named Anuarbek went to a children’s evangelism discipleship training. And he told us, “Before going, I thought and prayed for a long time…I don’t speak Russian well; I speak Kazakh. However, I am VERY grateful to GOD for the fact that now I know how to bring the Gospel to children in our native country. There are so many people in Kazakhstan, like me, who speak our mother tongue! And I can now help them understand the Word of God!! Our teacher, Maya, taught us so clearly, treated us with love and care, and explained if there was anything unclear. Glory to You, Lord, for the fact that I caught fire with renewed vigor and will be even stronger and keep serving!” Maya took up the call to disciple, and now Anuarbek has caught the vision to do the same. Well, let’s follow that too! For more, visit

This post originally appeared at

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