Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

The Gospel brings hope. When people hear about how Jesus came, lived a perfect life, died on the cross for their sins, rose again, and is in heaven now offering the free gift of eternal life to them, they are offered the hope of forgiveness and joy. And there’s no greater gift! In Guyana, a church team went out into the community to share the Gospel with people in a local park. They were greatly disappointed when they found that no one was there. They circled up to pray for God’s guidance when a group of mourners caught their attention. They went over to them and met the family and friends who were overcome with grief. They were very interested in hearing what the church team had to say, and the team shared the hope of the Gospel with them. The mourners all committed their lives to Christ that day, and the team recalled leaving with an atmosphere of hope. Learn how you can share the Gospel at That’s

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