I believe, starting with God’s Word, that humans and dinosaurs lived at the same time. Dinosaurs were land animals, and the land animals were made on day six of creation week—and so was mankind! Therefore, dinosaurs and humans lived together. And both dinosaurs and humans were destroyed during the global flood. So why don’t we find them buried together?
Well, the fossils record various ecosystems that were buried as the floodwaters rose. Would we expect dinosaurs and humans to live in the same environments? No! Humans probably lived away from them! So it’s no great mystery why we haven’t found them fossilized together.
Dig Deeper
- Dinosaurs Living with People—The Biblical Worldview
- Why don’t we find dinosaurs and humans together in the fossil record?
This post originally appeared at https://answersingenesis.org/media/audio/answers-with-ken-ham/volume-154/dinosaurs-and-humans-together/