Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

In sunny Arizona, two churches have partnered together to train their congregations to learn how to share their faith. These two churches participated in an Equip America event back in February. And the excitement was so great that after the event that it united these churches in the common goal of reaching their community for Christ. Now, they are focused on discipling the Christians of their churches in how to comfortably and clearly tell others about Jesus. A few weeks ago, some of the Christians being equipped participated in a Mother’s Day event called “Moms and More.” It was put on for families-in-need to provide them with clothes, coffee and donuts, and community services that will help them. Within one hour, six people gave their lives to Christ. What an amazing use of an hour! And now those families have eternal and lasting hope that can only be found in Christ. To learn more about sharing your faith, visit our website at

This post originally appeared at

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