Graphic from WATCH: Biden, Trump 2024 First Presidential Debate, CNN

The presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden this past June was a significant event, with Trump delivering a flawless performance that left Biden struggling to keep up. Trump’s mastery of the debate was evident in his ability to target Biden’s weaknesses without a single gaffe. The impact of this performance was seen in the post-debate St. Anselm College poll, where Trump surged to a 44-42% lead over Biden in New Hampshire, marking a 12-point swing from last December.

One of the key moments of the debate was when Biden attempted to boast about his pullout from Afghanistan. Trump seized this opportunity to highlight the disastrous nature of Biden’s withdrawal, criticizing him for failing to hold anyone accountable for the debacle that cost many American lives. Former President Trump masterfully exploited Biden’s vulnerabilities and showcased his preparedness despite spending less time on debate prep and more on the campaign trail than the current President.

Trump’s success in the debate was further amplified by his ability to counter Biden’s claims on many issues. When Biden tried to take credit for job creation, Trump pointed out that these jobs were either bounce-back jobs after the pandemic or jobs that went to immigrants.

On the topic of NATO, Trump pointed out that it was he who stopped European members from freeloading off the United States, not Biden. Trump’s tact in his responses was clear to even the most radical Democrats.

Trump’s performance in the debate was a major factor in his post-debate polling surge. His ability to effectively counter Biden’s arguments and highlight President Biden’s failures demonstrated his strength as a candidate.

After the debate, most recognized that Joe Biden was barely fit to be on stage. This called into question whether he was fit to be President. The Democrats’ only recourse at that moment was to claim that Donald Trump was lying during the debate. He wasn’t lying. He was winning.

This post originally appeared at

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