This controversy was called “Old Lights,” who emphasized tradition, versus “New Lights,” who were open to a move of the Holy Spirit.
Sarah Edwards, the wife of Jonathan Edwards, wrote to her brother in New Haven concerning the effects George Whitefield’s ministry:
It was not until 1770 that Pennsylvania Quaker Anthony Benezet pioneered the movement to abolish slavery by founding the Negro School at Philadelphia, and, in 1775, the Society for the Relief of Free Negroes Unlawfully Held in Bondage, of which Franklin became the president in 1785.
Franklin later merged the Charity School with his newly formed Academy of Philadelphia.
In 2020, as part of the “cancel culture,” the University voted to remove the statue.
- The French Revolution tearing down the statue of Good King Henry IV, 1792, and publicly burning the remains of Ste. Genevieve, the Patron Saint of Paris, 1793;
- Stalin’s changing the name of St. Petersburg to Leningrad, 1924;
- Mao Zedung’s “Great Leap Forward,” 1953-1962, and “Cultural Revolution,” 1966-1976, which destroyed innumerable Chinese artifacts, including Beijing’s ancient Gate of China, and the Luoyang White Horse Temple–the oldest Buddhist temple in China.
- Pol Pot’s Khmer’s Rouge in Cambodia, 1975-1979, which killed anyone who wore eye-glasses, since if they could read they knew history, which needed to be erased;
- Taliban and ISIS, which destroyed ancient Assyrian and Buddhist statues and artifacts during Islamic jihad in Iraq and Syria, 2014-2016.
- Princeton,
- Brown,
- Dartmouth,
- Rutgers and
- Columbia.
This post originally appeared at