**Previously recorded by Phyllis Schlafly // August 2012 **

A lawyer in Springfield, Missouri, Mr. Dee Wampler, founded a patriotic organization called “In God We Trust — America Inc.” The mission of this unique organization is to persuade cities, counties and states to post our American motto in their public chambers, such as city  halls and county courthouses. Mr. Wampler has been pretty successful with this plan and he already has 289 cities, counties and states that have posted a banner or sign that simply reads “In God We Trust.”

Nearly every American President beginning with George Washington has used this phrase in speeches,  letters or prayers.  In 1814 Francis Scott Key wrote the Star Spangled Banner, and he included this line: “And this be our motto, in God is our Trust.”

The  Star Spangled Banner has long been our National  Anthem,  and this was finally ratified by a congressional law in 1931. In 1864, Congress placed “In God We Trust” on our coins, and in 1957 it was placed on  all our paper money.

Open your wallet and look at your own money.  “In God We Trust” was officially proclaimed to be our national motto by Congress in 1956.  Despite  all the attempts  of the ACLU  and atheist organizations  to remove all mention  of God from our public life, no court has ever ruled our national motto to be illegal or an unconstitutional violation of the First Amendment.

It is important in these uncertain times for Americans to continue to trust in God, and to say so in public, echoing the faith of our Founders. Find out if your city  hall and county  court  house  display our national motto, “In God We  Trust,” and ask your  public  officials to post it in an honored place where people will see it every day. This would be a great project for any local organization.

This post originally appeared at https://www.phyllisschlafly.com/national-sovereignty/america-first/a-project-to-join-americas-motto-in-god-we-trust/

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