Many who reject the Creator work hard to try to prove that He doesn’t exist. Creationists argue that the creation is so well designed that it must have a Designer. After all, a watch is much simpler than a bumblebee. If a watch needs a Designer and builder, so does a bumblebee.

Evolutionists argue that some things are not designed as well as they could be. This, they say, proves that there is no all-wise Creator Who designed and made everything. One example of what evolutionists claim to be a lack of design in the creation is the so-called “panda’s thumb.” Below the five toes on its paw, the panda has a sixth appendage. This so-called “thumb” is formed from an extension of a wrist bone and a pad. Evolutionists say that if the panda were truly designed by God, it would have a real thumb or none at all. However, other evolutionists have pointed out that the panda’s thumb design gives it the ability to handle bamboo with great precision – almost as well as a surgeon handles a scalpel!

The evolutionists’ attempts to prove that there is no Creator cannot succeed. Besides the fact that there is, undeniably, a Creator, negative statements cannot be proven. Simply because we don’t know how a thing works or why it’s built the way it is doesn’t mean no one made it.

Man’s most ambitious attempts to deny God cannot begin to deny Him!

Psalm 2:1
“Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?”

Prayer:  Father, I thank You for the increase in those who are turning to You and for those who call upon Your Name. Show me how I can do more to be a part of the spread of Your Word of truth in our needy world. Amen.

Notes: Bert Thompson, Ph.D. 1991. “Evolution’s ‘New’ Argument- Suboptimality.” Reason and Revelation, Vol. XI, No. 11, Nov., pp. 41-44. Photo: Panda (PD)

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