American politics has traditionally been a two-sided battle. Today, we have the conservatives and the liberals pitted against one another. Of course, there is a diversity of opinions in each faction, but most politically inclined Americans lean toward one of these two groups. These two political ideologies are roughly and imperfectly represented by the Republican and Democratic parties.

Americans have often been discontented by the apparent inability of the parties to represent their interests. All too often, the two parties seem to be working in lock-step to serve government interests. From funding for the war in Ukraine to the response to the pandemic lockdowns, it seems that when it gets down to brass tacks, there’s only one party after all. This is what many call the Uniparty.

However, Chronicles Magazine founder Paul Gottfried warns against the poison that the Uniparty can bring to your thinking. If you think that the two parties are ultimately the same, you will become disillusioned and disengage from politics. This is not the right approach.

Rather, Gottfried suggests we identify the differences that do exist and take every opportunity we can to fight back against the left. This includes imperfect opportunities.

Gottfried states: “Although the conservative establishment and media have relentlessly purged its right-wing members (including me), I still find the Murdoch media more informative than listening to the blah-blah on NPR or MSNBC.”

We have to take what we can get. If conservatives become apathetic about the political process, things will only get worse for them. We should not let the perfect be the enemy of the good, or even the good enough. Conservatives must take every opportunity to protect traditional values and defeat the left.

This post originally appeared at

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