How did we get all of the different races on earth if we are all descended from Adam and Noah and his family?

Today’s differing racial and cultural characteristics began at the separation of the world’s population into different groups based upon language. This followed the affair at the Tower of Babel. Before this separation, the one population shared the genetic traits of all humanity. In other words, they had a common gene pool. After the separation into groups, each group contained only a part of the former gene pool. This means that each group had lost some of the genetic information. As one generation followed another, genetic information continued to be lost in each group and, in fact, is still being lost to this day.

Certain traits in each isolated group became highlighted. For example, the decreasing tendency to produce melanin in the skin gave rise to the Caucasians, the white people of Europe. Other traits like hair type and soft tissue characteristics became unique to various groups that we refer to as “races” today. Interestingly, interracial marriages produce offspring that recapture some of that genetic information lost by each race represented by their parents.

No matter what race we belong to, we all share the same feelings and desires. Our Creator invites each of us to take to heart the truth that the Son of God became one of us to restore us to our Creator through the forgiveness of sins.

Acts 17:26
“And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation…”

Prayer: Father, while we are enriched by all of humanity’s different cultures, the religious variety of mankind is not pleasing to You since there is no other name given to us for salvation than Your Son, Jesus Christ. Use me to spread that name and what He has done. Amen.

Notes: Photo: Envato

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