Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

We were gathered together on a Thursday night for evangelism training. This particular night, Dr. D. James Kennedy caught the attention of a young man on the front row and said, “Don’t move—not even a muscle! You have a poisonous snake under you chair. Don’t look! He’s looking right at your leg. When he looks away, I’ll tell you. Be ready to jump out of that chair. Steady…ready…JUMP!” That young man nearly jumped through the roof! The point that Dr. Kennedy made was simple. If that young man really believed him, then his belief would have certainly, logically, radically turned to action. True belief always does. And the truth we believe is that there is a hurting world in need of a Savior. Jesus came and died to forgive us our sins if only we’ll believe. But many don’t know because they haven’t heard. And it’s our job to tell them. So let’s get prepared and be ready to share. Visit

This post originally appeared at

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