The bird of paradise is among the strangest and most beautiful birds in the world. They are so unusual that evolutionary scientists are having difficulty explaining how such creatures could have evolved.

It was not until 1824 that the first European saw a bird of paradise. Before that time, the bird was known in Europe only by the skins and feathers that natives had sold to European feather dealers. Since the skins did not include the feet, Europeans thought that the bird of paradise remained in flight its entire life. Its Latin name even means, “of paradise, without feet.”

The male bird of paradise is probably one of the most beautiful birds in the world. Its body is a dark maroon, with bright green feathers. The 42 different species have an assortment of bright yellow plumes, tufts and other decorations. At mating time, about all one can make of the bird is a wildly screaming yellow tuft that bounces from branch to branch, zigzags in the air, and hangs upside down from branches. Science has always thought that this odd behavior, and the bright plumage, served to attract female attention. This was the justification for these traits to evolve, according to evolutionists. However, more recent research shows that females do not select males – the males select the females. Evolutionists are left with no way to explain the bird of paradise.

However, the beauty and odd behavior of the bird of paradise are not hard to explain for those of us who know that our Creator has unlimited creativity and inventiveness.

Genesis 2:19
“And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.”

Father, I thank You for making the wonderful bird of paradise. I especially thank You for the way in which this creature glorifies You among men. Help me to glorify You as You have created me to do. Amen.

Laura Tangley. “Sexual Selection’s Strangest Inventions.” Science News, Vol. 122. September 4, pp. 152-170. Photo: Bird-of-Paradise, Envato.

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