God’s original creation was “very good,” but Adam’s sin broke it, ushering in death, the consequence for sin. But some people wonder, why do we all die for something our great-great-great-grandfather did?
Well, the Bible teaches that we sinned in Adam because we were in the body of our ancestor when he sinned. Now each of us has a sin nature and we all act on it. So we aren’t judged for Adam’s sin—we’re actually judged for our own! But it’s because of his sin that we now have a sin nature.
But just as one man’s sin brought death to all, one man’s death brings life to all. Jesus’ death and resurrection offers us eternal life!
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This post originally appeared at https://answersingenesis.org/media/audio/answers-with-ken-ham/volume-155/why-am-i-judged-for-adams-sin/