Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

As the holiday season rolls around, it can be daunting to think about hosting your family and friends. There’re invitations to go out, food to be prepared, the energy that gets expended through all the planning…and perhaps there’s even worries about the disagreements that can happen when people of different views come together. But if we are to follow the example of our Lord and Savior, Jesus, this shouldn’t discourage us. Jesus throughout all the Gospels was recorded sitting down with sinners and tax collectors and spending time with the outcast and the poor. Jesus is the epitome of a servant leader and friend of sinners. And as the holidays get closer, this is our opportunity to demonstrate God’s love through hospitality and sharing the greatest news that will change lives for all eternity—the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So let’s open our homes and start praying for opportunities. For resources, visit our website at

This post originally appeared at

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