In a panic, Christians shipped the remains of St. Nicholas in 1087 from Myra, Asia Minor, to the south east coast of Italy, to the town of Bari.
Saturn was the Roman god of feasting, plenty, and merriment.
If you remember the Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, the Ghost of Christmas Present is depicted as a big guy with robes, a wreath on his head, and a goblet of wine.
Puritans considered theaters dens of iniquity and forbade Shakespeare from mentioning God in his plays, considering it taking God’s name in vain or casting pearls before swine.
Shakespeare responded by writing plays with mythological Greek gods and fates, such as A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 1595-1596.
Puritans took over England in 1642, and forced the Shakespeare’s Globe Theater to close, and then, in 1644, pulled it down.
A year later, at the end of 1621, Pilgrim Governor William Bradford recorded in Of Plymouth Plantation, of another boatload arriving with more settlers:
So the Governor told them, if they made it a matter of conscience, he would spare them till they were better informed …”
Bradford continued:
Where Pilgrims, Puritans and most Presbyterians did not celebrate Christmas, other immigrants did celebrate Christmas, such as Germans, French, Swedes, English, Welsh, and especially the Dutch.
The Dutch holiday tradition is that St. Nicholas comes once a year to give presents to good children. But the naughty children had something else to look forward to.
He coined the name “Gotham” for New York City.”
- he was a Christian;
- he loved Jesus enough go into the ministry;
- he chose being imprisoned by the Romans rather than deny his Christian faith;
- he stood for the doctrine of the Trinity;
- he preached against sexually immoral pagan temples and the killing of innocent babies;
- he confronted corrupt politicians; and
- most notably of all, St. Nicholas was very generous, giving away all his money to help the poor in their time of need, and doing it anonymously, as he wanted the credit to go, not to himself, but to God alone!
This post originally appeared at https://americanminute.com/blogs/todays-american-minute/how-saint-nicholas-turned-into-santa-claus