Dinosaur Artwork?
This is Ken Ham, inviting you to learn more about dinosaurs at the Creation Museum. Did you know there are depictions of dragons found around the world? These dragons have…
This is Ken Ham, inviting you to learn more about dinosaurs at the Creation Museum. Did you know there are depictions of dragons found around the world? These dragons have…
Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.What’s the best gift you've ever received? As you think about your answer, also consider…
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · December 3 | The New German Totalitarianism Photo:Anteilnahme (BPOL) 2024-06-07 (01); Author:Simon Mannweiler; Lic.:CC BY-SA 4.0 A recent poll in Germany has exposed a glaring rift…
Miguel de Cervantes (September 29, 1547-April 23, 1616) was a Spanish playwright, poet, and considered the first modern novelist. His works, most notably Don Quixote, helped standardize the Spanish language in…
Vermont History (1534) from The Original 13-A Documentary History of Religion in America's First Thirteen States (Amerisearch, Inc., 2009): <Vermont, pronounced in French "verts monts," means Green Mountain. It was originally…
According to the Bible, God created the heavens and the earth in a perfect condition – without disease or death. However, when man did his own will instead of God’s…
Salmos 119:103“¡Cuán dulces son a mi paladar tus palabras! ¡Más que la miel a mi boca!”¿Por qué unió el Creador tantas especificaciones precisas y una inteligencia tan superior en las…
This could be a very costly mistake for the Maine University System. Constitutional expert, lawyer, author, pastor, and founder of Liberty Counsel Mat Staver highlights in 60 seconds the important…
Commission to Jacque Cartier (March 1534) was made by King Francis I. Though the actual commission has not been found, a line from it reportedly stated the objective of the voyage…
Elizabeth I (September 7, 1533-March 24, 1603) the Queen of England and Ireland, 1558-1603, was the last Tudor monarch. She was the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. After her…