Banks Flagging Purchases
Kerby Anderson When I first mentioned that banks were urged to flag purchases of Bibles and religious material, I think most of my friends and listeners thought I was making…
Kerby Anderson When I first mentioned that banks were urged to flag purchases of Bibles and religious material, I think most of my friends and listeners thought I was making…
Last month an attorney filed a lawsuit seeking to overturn Wisconsin’s congressional maps. The state supreme court already ruled on a case regarding our assembly and senate maps. Wisconsin Institute…
This is Ken Ham, CEO and founder of the apologetics ministry of Answers in Genesis. Secular scientists tell us that the ice cores show tens of thousands of years of…
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · February 1 | Hamas Shows #MeToo was a Lie Photo: Michelle-obama-bringbackourgirls; public domain In the late 2010’s, the Me Too movement sought to uproot the career of…
There’s a growing number of companies that loudly and proudly advocate for life. Some of the nation’s biggest sellers of diapers and baby products financially support pro-abortion organizations. Which is…
There is nothing our Creator God does that is not intended to bring us closer to Him. Why? Because His purpose in making humans was to make someone to love.…
Proverbios 27:7“El hombre saciado desprecia el panal de miel, pero al hambriento, aun lo amargo le resulta dulce”.Por lo menos un novenoavo de todas las 900 especies de calabazas …
Radical pro-abortion activists are pushing this amendment to authorize abortion for any reason and at any time up to birth. Constitutional expert, lawyer, author, pastor, and founder of Liberty Counsel…
A recent article in the Wall Street Journal early on stated, “You may have noticed that polyamory is having a moment.” Polyamory or what some call consensual non-monogamy is the…
Kerby Anderson Most Americans believe we should have a color-blind society. That was the direction the country was moving until a few anti-color-blind advocates promoted antiracism and critical race theory.…