Slow, Gradual Processes?
This is Ken Ham, a missionary with a passion for sharing God’s Word with the world. According to secular geologists, the layers of coal we find around the world were…
This is Ken Ham, a missionary with a passion for sharing God’s Word with the world. According to secular geologists, the layers of coal we find around the world were…
Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.In Romans 13:11, Paul tells us, “Do this, knowing the time, that it is already…
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · January 10 | Where Are the Men? **Previously recorded by Phyllis Schlafly // January 2010 ** Colleges used to have a male-female ratio of about 60-40, and…
Morgan Nuzzo is the co-owner of a late-term abortion facility in Maryland. During an interview she touted the fact her killing center does abortions into the eighth month of pregnancy. …
Beginning in the late 700s, Vikings from Scandinavia, called Danes and Swedes, began raiding the coasts and up the rivers of England and Europe. Since they were from "the north,"…
2 Peter 3:5-6“For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in…
Génesis 10:1“Estos son los descendientes de los hijos de Noé: Sem, Cam y Jafet, a quienes nacieron hijos después del diluvio”.Algunas personas piensan que el diluvio de Noé fue un…
The medical community continues to ignore this growing amount of research. Constitutional expert, lawyer, author, pastor, and founder of Liberty Counsel Mat Staver highlights in 60 seconds the important topics…
Columbus set sail on his first voyage August 3, 1492, with the Nina, Pinta and the Santa Maria. He explained how the Spanish monarchs approved his plan: "... And ordained…
LISTEN (text to speech) Download as PDF ... Booker T. Washington was born in a slave hut on a plantation in Franklin County, Virginia, APRIL 5, 1856. He taught himself…