Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.
In first Corinthians, Paul uses the imagery of a body to paint the picture of what the church should look like. If the entire body of Christ was made up of just ears, what could we do? Well, we would be really, really good at listening, but not much else. We couldn’t reach out with a hand to help or go anywhere with our legs. And if we didn’t have ankles and wrists and shoulders, it wouldn’t much matter that we had feet and arms…! And anyone who has ever broken their big toe knows it’s almost impossible to walk…just by missing one toe! Now, it may seem like I’m being silly, but there are important truths to this. You see, we need each other. And we need the church to serve together. And every believer is important to the work Jesus has given us. With this in mind, let’s spur each other on to work together so the world will know that we have a Savior in Jesus! For more, visit our website at sharelife.today. That’s sharelife.today.
This post originally appeared at https://sharelifetoday.podbean.com/e/the-body-of-christ-1739545903/