This post originally appeared at

By Jim Schneider, Executive Director
VCY America
It’s refreshing to see positive change take place in our nation over a very short period of time. The policies of recent years that were destroying our nation both from within and from without hit a sudden roadblock and a new course has been chartered. The course set is to return to the principles set forth by our Constitution.
Since January 20, 2025 a heightened state of urgency to protect our nation is evidenced by efforts to restore law and order. A deliberate attempt is being made to secure our borders by shutting off the faucet and removing those who have entered criminally. So much unnecessary heartache and grief have been forced upon and endured by many who have lost loved ones or have become victims due to lack of border enforcement. The price our nation is paying and will continue to pay cannot be measured in dollars and cents.
Another positive change is ending the wokeness: the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) policies that have usurped control of the nation’s military, corporate America, the prison system and the education system. Gone will be the flags that flew at U.S. Embassies to promote the LGBTQ+ agenda. Gone will be the federal recognition of the gender spectrum that defies simple biology. How refreshing it is to return to the recognition of “male” and “female” without thinking one can float from one to the other or to something altogether different.
Rejoicing occurred by many regarding the directives to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement and to stop the flow of funds going into the World Health Organization, an organization that is working feverishly to destroy the sovereignty of the United States in order to bring about world control by simply declaring a health emergency.
Also, since January 20th there is an emphasis to use the vast minerals and rich deposits God has placed in the earth for mankind to use. Its use is an area of stewardship.
A return of the Mexico City policy has been re-enacted to ban the use of tax dollars to promote abortion internationally and a return to the Hyde Amendment of prohibiting tax dollars to promote abortion domestically. The public has witnessed a weaponized justice department that put those standing for life as recipients of harsh sentences. This also is being reversed. While some of these steps are applauded, so much more remains to be done to protect the life of every preborn child!
The United States has also taken a role to stand by Israel, to see all hostages returned and to protect Israel’s right to exist as a nation is imperative. We must never allow another Holocaust or the likes of October 7, 2023 to ever happen again! Additional efforts to bring about peace between nations is underway on many fronts.
While these above changes are taking place and many are feeling a sense of opportunity and optimism, we must recognize as believers that these things are not what will accomplish our mission. Yes, it is true that Christians are to impact the society around them, but it is important to know that our goal is not to just bring about a better place for people to enter a Christ-less eternity.
We can have the lowest inflation, the lowest unemployment rate, strong paying jobs, the finest housing, a balanced budget, the best education system, the tightest borders, great healthcare, all the energy one can dream of, low food prices, and the respect of international heads of state, but if one does not know Jesus as Savior, of what value is it?
Scripture clearly states, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36) The elements of this world will one day “melt with fervent heat” (II Peter 3:10,12) not from global climate change, but from God’s judgment. None of the items listed early in this article will have any standing at that time.
It is imperative for each person to place their trust in Jesus Christ as Savior! This issue has a greater degree of criticalness than any other written. Do you know Jesus as your Savior? It is sin that separates us from Him and the penalty of this sin is death and eternal separation from Him. But God in His infinite love sent His only begotten Son, Jesus, to this world to take our sin upon Himself. He took our penalty for us. Jesus died for our sin, He was buried and He rose again. By placing your trust in Jesus, you can have your future secured with Christ in heaven. But to refuse or reject this gift secures a spot in hell forever. If you have not placed your trust in Jesus, call out to Him today!
If you have trusted Christ, then don’t lose sight of your mission to tell others about this free gift of salvation. While we seek to make our country a better place, our time here is but temporal. Eternity is forever!
To assist you in your efforts to share the Gospel, VCY has an outreach program that you may join without cost to you. Each month VCY will send you five evangelist tracts and five Invitation to Listen (ITL) cards. The tracts share the Gospel, and the ITL cards list the VCY station that serves your area on which the Gospel is presented regularly. By joining you commit to distribute the materials during the course of the month. The commitment lasts through 2025. To participate send an email to: or call 1-800-729-9829.
We must not lose sight of our mission!