Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.
Today, we’re coming to the final day of learning an easy-to-remember, hard-to-forget Gospel presentation. We’ve been using the five fingers of our hand as our learning aid. Picture the smallest finger on your hand – it’s going to represent faith. Grace, Man, God and Christ, Faith. Faith, in a Biblical sense, is the means whereby people make a personal response to the Gospel. Saving faith isn’t simply head knowledge about Jesus. Many know about Jesus, but have never experienced saving faith. Saving faith is also not just “temporary faith,” trusting in Jesus for health, safety, finances. Saving faith is trusting in Jesus Christ alone for eternal life, and it’s necessary for salvation. In the book of Acts, the apostle Paul was asked, “What must I do to be saved?” His answer was this: “Believe – have faith – in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved…” You can watch a brief video demonstrating the Gospel presentation on our website, where you can find resources to help you share your faith. That’s sharelife.today.
This post originally appeared at https://sharelifetoday.podbean.com/e/gospel-outline-week-%E2%80%93-faith-1741467900/