Phyllis Schlafly always had a knack for seeing into the future. She opposed radical feminism and the Equal Rights Amendment, plainly seeing the dire consequences they would have for America—Phyllis was right. She opposed activist Supremacist judges who legislated from the bench—Phyllis was right. She knew that phonics was the best way to teach children to read, and that the “whole word” method would dumb our kids down—Again, Phyllis was right.
But of all the things Phyllis Schlafly was right about, Donald J. Trump may be the most consequential. Phyllis was the earliest social, constitutional conservative to start seriously talking about Trump in the 2016 Republican presidential primary. In fact, by December, Phyllis had nailed down what it took many Republicans months and years more to understand about Trump.
“Congress cannot seem to help itself in bending to every whim of special interests” she told World Net Daily in December 2015. “How can they face their constituents when they continue to burden our children and grandchildren with debts they will never be able to repay? Our government is failing us, so we must do something about it.” She concluded, “It sounds like Donald Trump is the only one who has any fight in him. He will fight for the issues that we really care about… I don’t see anyone else who’s eager to fight.”
Phyllis Schlafly understood that both Democrats and Republicans alike in America felt betrayed by their own elected politicians. “We had a lot of fancy promises” she said, “And they disappointed us. Betrayal is an appropriate word to describe it.” Phyllis knew the American people wanted a straight-talking champion to take on not just “the other side” but the system itself. Early in the process, Phyllis saw that kind of champion in Donald Trump. “He does look like he’s the last hope [for America]” she proclaimed. If only we knew then how right Phyllis Schlafly would be, and if only Phyllis Schlafly could see President Donald Trump in action today.
This post originally appeared at