When the Bible talks about things in the material world that are part of our experience, we find that the Bible is always faithfully true. But there are many things in the creation which contradict the theory of evolution.
For example, Darwin said that natural selection could never produce anything for the sole benefit of another species. However, Darwin’s rule doesn’t hold true. Previous Creation Moments have presented some examples of creatures that help other creatures to their own detriment.
Today we go to the ants for yet another example. A number of ant species actually help another species to its own harm. Robber ants will take the larvae of a certain beetle into their nests to nurture and raise. Not only do robber ants neglect their own larvae to do this, but they will actually feed their own larvae to the beetle larvae. For some reason which scientists don’t understand, the queen ant in such a colony often becomes sterile, and eventually the entire colony dies.
For many years now and on a daily basis, Creation Moments has been bringing you examples of relationships in nature that totally contradict the theory of evolution. May we suggest that our all-knowing Creator purposefully created these altruistic relationships in order to confound men’s wisdom when they chose to reject Him as Creator.
Psalm 14:1a
“The fool hath said in his heart, [there is] no God.”
Prayer: Heavenly Father, we ask that You would not only prevent each of us from ever knowingly or unknowingly denying You, but that You would help us tell others about You and Your forgiveness in Jesus Christ. Amen.
Photo: Ant carrying something, Cyril, Pixabay.
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This post originally appeared at https://creationmoments.com/sermons/anti-evolutionary-behavior/