Hi, I’m John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, and you’re listening to Share Life Today.

I remember the first day of my new life in Christ. After giving my life to Christ in the office of Pastor Tom, I asked, “What’s next?” I figured I would look to the example of the man who shared Jesus with me. He was constantly talking about the Gospel with others, so I figured I should be doing the same thing. Pastor Tom became one of my dearest friends as he took me under his wing and taught me how to grow in my faith—including sharing the Gospel with others. I became part of a community of believers who had the same goal as me and were growing in their faith as well. You know, we aren’t just called to be disciples of Jesus…we are meant to be disciple-makers. So let me challenge you: who has God put on your heart to share the Gospel with? And who has He called you to disciple deeper in their faith? Not sure where to start? Well, we can help! Visit your website at That’s

This post originally appeared at

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