Justice is Biased
They say justice is blind. But that’s not always true when it comes to the abortion issue. Joan Jacobson, an 83- year-old volunteer, was canvasing a Michigan neighborhood, asking homeowners…
They say justice is blind. But that’s not always true when it comes to the abortion issue. Joan Jacobson, an 83- year-old volunteer, was canvasing a Michigan neighborhood, asking homeowners…
As if we needed further evidence politics can be vindictive and petty, here it is. Pro-abortion Democrat Governor Laura Kelly of Kansas vetoed pro-life legislation protecting babies who survive late-term…
Pro-life Republican and Independent state senators are faithfully defending Oregon’s unborn babies at great personal risk to them and their political careers. For weeks they’ve continued a walk-out to prevent…
Shortly after announcing his bid for the White House, pro-life Florida Governor Ron DeSantis addressed the importance of increasing the number of pro-life Supreme Court justices. He said, in the…
An anonymous woman is suing Google over personal data it collected on her. She was on Planned Parenthood’s website, searching for an abortionist. The abortion giant has a policy of…
Mississippi had one abortion business left until a pro-life law went into effect protecting unborn babies and their mothers. The abortion center was called “The Pink House” because of its…
The Washington Attorney General’s office has put pro-life individuals and pregnancy centers in the crosshairs. They’ve launched a “reproductive rights complaint form” on the state website. Anyone can file a…
In my line of work, just when I think mankind can’t get more depraved, I’m proven wrong. A United Nations report actually advocates decriminalizing sex between adults and children. The…
Colorado lawyers have egg on their faces after declining to defend a law that outlaws abortion pill reversal. A doctor who “provides, prescribes, administers, or attempts abortion reversal in this…
Pro-abortion extremists got a drubbing by voters in the cities of San Antonio and El Paso Texas. On the ballot was Proposition A which among other things would reverse state…