You Have Help
Have you or someone you know received a devastating diagnosis that your unborn baby had a condition deemed “incompatible with life”? Whatever the doctors say, the Bible tells us abortion’s…
Have you or someone you know received a devastating diagnosis that your unborn baby had a condition deemed “incompatible with life”? Whatever the doctors say, the Bible tells us abortion’s…
Tomorrow, God willing, I’ll be at the fifty-first annual March for Life in Washington, DC. This year’s theme is with every woman for every child. We must push back the…
Most of us are acquainted with the problem of homelessness. But have you given much thought about homeless pregnant women? Where do they go for protection from the elements? How…
Meghan Block gave birth to a premature baby and little Caroline had to stay in the NICU. At times this was very traumatic for Meghan until the kindness of a…
Each year our good friends at American’s United for Life rate the fifty states on which is the most pro-life and pro-abortion. For the fourth year in a row Arkansas…
During his thirty-year career as an abortionist, William Rashbaum took the lives of over twenty-thousand babies. Rashbaum specialized in late-term abortions in the second trimester of pregnancy. His father told…
Care Net is an umbrella group helping pro-life pregnancy centers throughout the nation. They work side-by-side with Heartbeat International, an even larger umbrella group that also helps pregnancy centers. Care…
Morgan Nuzzo is the co-owner of a late-term abortion facility in Maryland. During an interview she touted the fact her killing center does abortions into the eighth month of pregnancy. …
I often repeat that legal abortion is unsafe abortion. You would too if you read my mail. Last November in less than one week’s time, an abortion facility in Granite…
Pro-life pregnancy centers far outnumber abortion facilities. A recent survey of these centers demonstrates they’re a vital part of communities and must be protected from political attacks aimed at putting…