God’s Agriculture and the Stink Bug
The world originally created by God was perfect in every respect. However, among the consequences of sin mentioned in Genesis 3 are the thorns and thistles, which make man’s agriculture…
The world originally created by God was perfect in every respect. However, among the consequences of sin mentioned in Genesis 3 are the thorns and thistles, which make man’s agriculture…
Job 38:31“‘¿Podrás tú anudar los lazos de las Pléyades? ¿Desatarás las ligaduras de Orión?’”¿Todos saben que el universo se ha estado expandiendo desde que fue creado por medio del Big…
Does the belief in evolution adversely affect the medical and the social sciences? It sure does.One example of evolution’s negative effect in helping people is a technique called patterning. Patterning…
Filipenses 4:8“Por lo demás, hermanos, todo lo que es verdadero, todo lo honesto, todo lo justo, todo lo puro, todo lo amable, todo lo que es de buen nombre; si…
I’m sure everyone has noticed that whenever one of those interesting nature programs on television show an especially clever design in nature, the program is always quick to explain how…
2 Corintios 9:5“Por tanto, consideré necesario exhortar a los hermanos que fueran primero a vosotros y prepararan primero vuestra generosidad antes prometida, para que esté lista como muestra de generosidad…
There are numerous sites where evidence that people once lived in caves has been studied. It’s an ancient idea that the first primitive human beings, on their way from becoming…
Salmos 9:1“Te alabaré, Jehová, con todo mi corazón. Contaré todas tus maravillas”.Hay un antiguo dicho que dice que las personas pocas veces recuerdan cuan rápido se hizo el trabajo, pero…
He lived in the last half of the nineteenth century. He was a strong believer in the Creator God, and that made him very unpopular in some circles. As he…
Ecclesiastes 3:5“…Tiempo de esparcir piedras y tiempo de juntarlas, tiempo de abrazar y tiempo de abstenerse de abrazar,”¿Cuál de nuestros cinco sentidos es el más importante? ¿Cuál de estos sentidos…