Evolution … It’s Impossible!
This is Ken Ham, publisher of the award-winning family magazine called Answers. All this week I’ve ended my programs by saying, “evolution, it’s impossible!” And I really do mean that!…
This is Ken Ham, publisher of the award-winning family magazine called Answers. All this week I’ve ended my programs by saying, “evolution, it’s impossible!” And I really do mean that!…
This is Ken Ham, and we’ve produced the “through-the-Bible” program, the Answers Bible Curriculum. This week we’ve seen that natural selection is often considered the “driving force” of evolution. But,…
This is Ken Ham, CEO of Answers in Genesis and the popular Creation Museum. I’ve often pointed out that small changes or variations within a kind isn’t evolution. You see,…
This is Ken Ham, heading up the ministry that’s built a 510-foot-long Noah’s Ark. We’ve all heard the story. On the Galapagos islands, Charles Darwin noticed small variations within finches.…
This is Ken Ham, on a mission to strengthen the global church with God’s Word. This week we’ve seen that, whenever the Bible touches on science, it gets it right!…
This is Ken Ham, an Aussie transplant with a passion for sharing the truths of God’s Word. I wish there were more scientists today like Matthew Maury. This man is…
This is Ken Ham, publisher of the award-winning magazine for families called Answers. In the book of Isaiah we read that “God stretches out the heavens like a curtain.” This…
This is Ken Ham, CEO of the ministry that built a full-size Ark south of Cincinnati. Many ancient peoples believed that earth must sit on something. Some thought it was…
This is Ken Ham, author, speaker, and blogger on why we can trust the Bible—starting with Genesis. I’ve often said that the Bible’s not a science textbook. But, when it…
This is Ken Ham, encouraging all churches to start their thinking with God’s Word. As we’ve seen this week, we’re in a war—a war against God’s image bearers. Our enemy…