Why Was the Ark So Big?
This is Ken Ham, a speaker and author on the Bible’s authority and reliability. This week we’re looking at the question “was Noah’s flood local or global?” Well, consider this:…
This is Ken Ham, a speaker and author on the Bible’s authority and reliability. This week we’re looking at the question “was Noah’s flood local or global?” Well, consider this:…
This is Ken Ham, inviting you to visit the full-size Noah’s Ark at the Ark Encounter. Some Christians, including many pastors and Bible colleges, teach that Noah’s flood was just…
This is Ken Ham, editor of the apologetics book, A Flood of Evidence. I often hear from Christians who don’t believe Noah’s flood was a global flood. They’ll say it…
This is Ken Ham, head of the ministry producing the popular Answers Bible Curriculum for Churches. Yesterday we learned that the apostle Paul treated Genesis as literal history and as…
This is Ken Ham, author of the classic book, The Lie: Evolution and Millions of Years. One of the apostle Paul’s favorite topics to write about was Jesus and the…
This is Ken Ham, encouraging the church to stand on God’s Word from the very first verse. During his teaching ministry on earth, Jesus frequently quoted the Old Testament. He…
This is Ken Ham, head of the ministry behind the rapidly growing Answers in Genesis YouTube channel. Yesterday we learned that many people believe the garden of Eden was in…
This is Ken Ham, inviting you to visit the Creation Museum in Northern Kentucky. Have you ever wondered where the Garden of Eden was? Many people assume the Middle East…
This is Ken Ham, editor of the popular children’s series, The Answers Books for Kids. All this week we’ve been looking at the order in the fossil record and how…
This is Ken Ham, with a passion for the truth of God’s Word and the gospel message. Evolutionists observe certain types of fossils in specific rock layers and assume when…